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Real Time Delphi Study

Collecting and Synthesizing Expert Opinions

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DIGITAL OLIGARCHY: It seems that powerful algorithms have concentrated the acquisition and ownership of personal and other data in hands of those that develop the algorithms.

(details) "The technology industry is already consolidated. Most Internet ad revenue belongs to a couple of companies – Google and Facebook – and retail essentially belongs to Amazon (which also owns an increasing percentage of the cloud computing market). Access to the Internet is in the hands of five companies (Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner, Verizon and CenturyLink), and the lion’s share of the world’s computer chips are made by Intel and Samsung. How by anyone’s definition is this not digital oligarchy?" (from https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveandriole/2017/07/29/already-too-big-to-fail-the-digital-oligarchy-is-alive-well-growing/?sh=53183b6367f5)

2050: The number of influential technology companies shrinks from 70 in 2017 to 10. (European Commission)

2030: China intends to become world leader in AI

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Income inequality - Guaranteed minimum income established in US and most other OECD countries at 25% above poverty level.

(details) Provides an adequate living standard for most people

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Date:8 May, 2024
